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ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ×/CSU Collaborative Veterinary Medicine Program

The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) graduate degree program at ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× is a 4-year collaborative program with . 

DVM students complete the first two years of their education on the ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× campus in Fairbanks, AK then move to Fort Collins, CO to complete years three and four on CSU's campus with access to veterinarians representing 28 different board-certified specialties and the state-of-the-art . DVM students ultimately receive their diploma from CSU.

The ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× course curriculum for the first two years of instruction match the courses offered to first and second year students on the CSU campus and provide the same academic rigor, but are slightly altered for our unique environment ---> Think arctic climate, muskox, reindeer, sled dogs, and other unique experiences and information our faculty and staff have to offer!

Mission Statement

The Department of Veterinary Medicine (DVMed) at the ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× (ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ×) provides high quality education, research and service in veterinary medicine and the biomedical sciences. Faculty from several disciplines work collaboratively under the One Health paradigm, striving for combined optima in human, animal, and environmental health.

One Health Concept

The concept of ā€œOne Healthā€ has been considered an important context for the Department of Veterinary Medicine as the development of a program which includes teaching, research and service for the ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× (ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ×). Many institutions have adopted this philosophy and some have tried to put this into ā€œpracticeā€. A recent article by Zinsstag et al. (2011) addresses this complex approach and this one page summary tries to place aspects of their review into an Alaska context to help form the foundation for veterinary medical training (articulated 2+2 program), biomedical sciences research (basic and applied health research), human and health management and research, and veterinary professional services (e.g., continuing education, consultation) as integrated together.

Zinsstag et al. (2011) emphasizes the drivers and linkages that constitute the need for a ā€œOne Healthā€ paradigm include 1) challenges of complex patterns of global change, and 2) awareness and inevitable interconnection of humans, domestic animals (e.g., pet animals, livestock), and wildlife (including feral domestic species) with their social and ecological environments. This requires integrated approaches to human and animal health research and application (practice) and their respective social and environmental contexts. Zinsstag et al. (2011) points out integrative thinking of human and animal health is not novel but has been considered in early historical times [e.g., Comparative Medicine (e.g., similar cellular processes of pathogenesis for humans and animals) at the end of the 19th century; Calvin Schwabe coined the concept of ā€œone medicineā€ in the 20th century; concept of laboratory animal based biomedical research for human health benefit is omnipresent]. This requires an appreciation that human and veterinary medicine disciplines contribute to the development of each other; including their associated basic biomedical sciences. The recognition of this history is important as described by Zinsstag et al. (2011) in that ā€œlarge portions of human and animal health thinking and actions still remain in separate disciplinary silos.ā€ This would indicate work is still to be done, including at the ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ×. Zinsstag et al. (2011) and our Group emphasizes that ā€œintegrative thinking is increasingly being considered in academic curricula, clinical practice, ministries of health and livestock/agriculture and international organizations.ā€ This is where a progressive ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× must be in the biomedical sciences; and the Department of Veterinary Medicine can formally initiate this process to the benefit of Alaska. We face unique high latitude and marine (ocean) animal and human health issues in a changing environment that should motivate progressive approaches that include ā€œOne Healthā€.

Initiatives have recognized at least the human-environmental connection at the ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× ā€“ including aspects of sustainable development [e.g., Resilience and Adaptation Program, Alaska INBRE (environmental agents of disease)]. Challenges remain, however, because Ā»large gaps in the curriculum, human medicine, veterinary medicine, etc. limit our capacity to develop this much needed area of expertise. The Department of Veterinary Medicine will begin to fill some of these needs. Zinsstag et al. (2011) provides another example when they state ā€œanalogous to ā€œsystems biologyā€ which focuses mostly on the interplay of proteins and molecules at a sub-cellular level, a systemic approach to health in social-ecological systems (HSES) is an inter- and transdisciplinary study of complex interactions in all health-related fields.ā€ The key to this is a scientifically rigorous approach applied to determine ā€œemerging properties and determinants of health that may arise from a systemic view ranging across scales from molecules to the ecological and socio-cultural contextā€. The human and animal residents of Alaska should be considered in this ā€œOne Healthā€ perspective above all other states because of our intensive relationship with and dependence on the ā€œenvironmentā€.

Citations: Zinsstag, J., E. Schelling, D. Waltner-Toews, M. Tanner. 2011. From ā€œone medicineā€ to ā€œone healthā€ and systemic approaches to health and well-being. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 101 (2011) 148ā€“ 156