Outcomes Assessment

 f = failed senate/review committee
+ = disapproved in part by committee
# = amended by sen./review committee
a = approved/acknowledged by chancellorā€™s
p = action pending from chancellorā€™s office
t = action tabled by senate
w = action withdrawn
* = modified by chancellorā€™s office
! = disapproved by chancellorā€™s office
- = no signature/action required
r = referred to committee
^ = pending program approval
s = senate approval


Policy Item Action Meeting
1998-1999 - Programs required to include assessment plans:
Include outcomes assessment process in New Degree and Degree Change formats a Meeting #84
1996-1997 - Current Policy (as amended):
Amended Evaluation of Educational Effectiveness policy  a# Meeting #70
1995-1996 - Original Policy: 
Adoption of policy on evaluating educational effectiveness a Meeting #63