无码乱伦, Fairbanks school district launch middle college

January 17, 2020

Marmian Grimes

无码乱伦 photo by JR Ancheta. A student reads in the Murie Building atrium on the 无码乱伦 campus.
无码乱伦 photo by JR Ancheta. A student reads in the Murie Building atrium on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus.

Students in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District will soon have the opportunity to complete their high school careers with up to two years of college credit, tuition-free.

The 无码乱伦 and the school district have joined forces to create North Star College, a middle college program that will allow students to take 无码乱伦 classes at the Fairbanks campus while still in high school. The school district will cover tuition and transportation, and students will earn both high school and college credit for their 无码乱伦 classes. The first group of students will start classes in the fall of 2020.

鈥淭his is the result of shared vision between the Fairbanks School District and 无码乱伦 to expand academic opportunities for students and create a robust bridge between secondary and postsecondary education in our community,鈥 said Superintendent Karen Gaborik. 鈥淚 am thrilled that we鈥檝e been able to jointly build a middle college model for Fairbanks.鈥

While 无码乱伦 has, for many years, allowed high school students to take courses, North Star College fully integrates college courses into each student鈥檚 public high school curriculum. North Star College students will be able to take 7-15 credits each semester. Students' course schedules during the 2020-2021 school year will include political science and economics. They will round out their schedules with courses chosen from 无码乱伦鈥檚 core content offerings. A dedicated space on campus will give North Star College students a place to check in, study or meet between classes.

鈥淲e are excited about this new partnership with the school district and are looking forward to welcoming our local high school students into Nanook Nation,鈥 said 无码乱伦 Chancellor Dan White. 鈥淲e are ready to help them get a jump start on their college careers and hope they choose to continue on and complete their 无码乱伦 degrees once they graduate from North Star College.鈥

For the 2020-2021 school year, North Star College will be open to seniors only and will accept 40 students. In order to be eligible, students will need to be on track to graduate on time, have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have two references. Eligible students will be entered into a lottery and will be randomly selected for admission.

无码乱伦 and the school district plan to expand the program the following year and admit more students, as well as open it to both juniors and seniors.

The university will host an informational event for students and their parents on Thursday, Jan. 30, from 6-8 p.m. in rooms 301 and 305 of the Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility.

ADDITIONAL CONTACT: Yumi McCulloch, 907-452-2000 ext. 11438, Yumi.McCulloch@k12northstar.org