Launch Alaska Shares How Green Hydrogen Could Be in Alaska’s Future

Launch Alaska Shares How Green Hydrogen Could Be in Alaska’s Future

Launch Alaska recently teamed up with researchers and private business for an educational webinar focused on integrating renewably sourced hydrogen — called— into Alaska’s energy future.

Hosted by Launch Alaska and Commonwealth North’s Energy Policy Study Group, the webinar included presentations from Launch Alaska’s Isaac Vanderburg, ACEP’s Erin Whitney, and a participant in Launch Alaska’s current cohort Peter Barnes, business development director at ZeroAvia.

All three organizations share an interest in exploring green hydrogen in Alaska. Launch Alaska is committed to decarbonizing systems of energy, transportation and industry. ACEP heads the Alaska Hydrogen Energy Working Group. is working to bring its zero-emission hydrogen electric airplane powertrain to the Alaska market, having recently signed deals with Ravn Alaska and Alaska Air Group. 

Watch the full presentation in the .