Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap Published

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap Published

A group of U.S. federal agencies recently published a road map aimed to meet 100% of domestic aviation fuel demand with sustainable fuel by 2050

U.S.Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm announced in September the release of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap, a comprehensive plan that outlines a governmentwide strategy for scaling up new technologies to produce sustainable aviation fuels across the U.S. airline industry.

The SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap ensures alignment of government and industry actions and coordinates national policies to achieve the goals of the . The road map was signed in 2021 by the partnering agencies — the U.S. departments of Energy, Transportation and Agriculture. It has two major goals: 

  • Achieve a minimum of a 50% reduction in life greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional fuel.

  • Supply sufficient SAF to meet 100% of domestic aviation fuel demand by 2050. 

The  and more information about the SAF Grand Challenge can be found on the .