Alaska Awarded $55 Million for EV Infrastructure

Alaska Awarded $55 Million for EV Infrastructure

Alaska will receive about $55 million over five years to implement its electric vehicle infrastructure plan.

As part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Alaska Energy Authority will receive $7.8 million in federal fiscal year 2022 and $11.2 million in federal fiscal year 2023 under National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program. AEA anticipates receiving approximately $52 million over the next five years through this program, which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Transportationā€™s Federal Highway Administration.

The Biden-Harris administration announced last week that it has approved electric vehicle infrastructure deployment plans for all 50 states. The NEVI formula program was authorized and funded in the infrastructure act passed last year.

The Alaska Energy Authority, in coordination with the Alaska Department of Transportation, submitted its required state NEVI plan on July 29, 2022. To read the stateā€™s plan, click .

ā€œWith the approval of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure plans, the U.S. and Alaska are poised to leap forward in the availability of charging infrastructure, which broadens the use cases for people considering an EV. ACEP is investigating the applications of vehicle electrification in Alaska and has a ,ā€ said ACEPā€™s Michelle Wilber.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the NEVI funding can be used for projects directly related to the charging of a vehicle, including:

  • Ā· Upgrade of existing and construction of new EV charging infrastructure
  • Ā· Operation and maintenance costs of these charging stations
  • Ā· Installation of on-site electrical service equipment
  • Ā· Community and stakeholder engagement
  • Ā· Workforce development activities
  • Ā· EV charging station signage
  • Ā· Data-sharing activities
  • Ā· Related mapping analysis and activities

For more information on the EV infrastructure plan, please visit .


An electric vehicle charges in the Golden Valley Electric Association parking lot in Fairbanks, Alaska.