Hydrogen As a Storage Media to Reduce the Cost of Energy

Hydrogen As a Storage Media to Reduce the Cost of Energy

Is it possible to reduce the cost of energy by implementing not only technologically but also economically feasible methods? Is it possible to ā€œstoreā€ excess energy so that it could be used during periods of higher demand and lower energy supply? These are a couple of the questions Sweekar Bengaluru is trying to answer during his at ACEP.

 Bengaluru, a mechanical engineering graduate student at Stanford University, under the mentorship of ACEP researchers Mariko Shirazi and Erin Whitney, is working on a research project that is evaluating the feasibility of implementing hydrogen storage and other storage system options in remote communities. The big-picture goals of the project are to help increase renewable energy penetration, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help decarbonize the energy space by reducing energy cost.

ā€œThe outcomes of this project will provide a significant bearing for driving the direction in increasing renewable energy share and reducing reliance on fossil fuel,ā€ said Bengaluru.  

On a recent trip to the remote city of Kotzebue, Bengaluru had the opportunity to join six ACEP researchers to collect electrical and building system data to support power systems modeling efforts related to his research. The experience allowed him to have valuable face-to-face connections with community stakeholders directly impacted by the work he is doing. 

Bengaluru was born and raised in Bengaluru, India. During a previous job building natural gas engines for Caterpillar Inc., he developed an interest in hydrogen technology. 

Bengaluru jokingly says ā€œI am trying to put the very same engines out of business which I earlier helped develop.ā€ 

While at Stanford, Bengaluru founded the. It aims to connect students and researchers across Stanford schools as well as industry leaders who are passionate about hydrogen. 

Outside of academics, Bengaluru is an ardent hiker and loves exploring places and watching wildlife among many other outdoor pursuits. He also enjoys playing badminton. 

For more information about this project, please contact Mariko Shirazi at mshiazi@alaska.edu.

The Stanford Shultz Energy Fellowship program is a partnership of Stanfordā€™s , , and .


2022 Shultz energy fellow Sweekar Bengaluru. Photo by Jeff Fisher.