Register Now for ACEP’s Foundations of Microgrids Online Course

Register Now for ACEP’s Foundations of Microgrids Online Course

Do you want to understand more about renewable energy integration, power storage and electronics, and how a microgrid really works? You’re in luck! ACEP is excited to announce that on Aug. 2, 2022, our — a foundational course on microgrid systems design — will begin! In fact, you can register now for the four-week asynchronous course, which has an emphasis on community-based projects and nongrid-connected remote systems.

Alaska is an early adopter of microgrids that integrate renewables, with over 100 systems representing the largest installed capacity of any U.S. state. Alaska is home to microgrids that are constantly evolving to take advantage of new technologies and integration approaches. The electric grid of the future will need to be more resilient, decentralized and capable of integrating more distributed energy resources, including on-site renewable energy technologies, energy storage and even electric vehicle charging. 

This course introduces the microgrid concept using Alaska, Hawaii and Australia examples where microgrids with a high penetration of renewables supply power to communities and industries and where access to a larger grid is not possible. This course covers renewable energy integration, storage and power electronics, and steps to designing a microgrid. 

Visit , select the “verified track” and receive graded assignments and a certificate of completion for professional development and recognition. 

For more information, please contact Amanda Byrd at