ACEP EPSCoR Team Visited Puerto Rico Research Partners

ACEP EPSCoR Team Visited Puerto Rico Research Partners

Last week, members of the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× ACEP converter-dominated power systems project team met with research collaborators in Puerto Rico. The ACEP CDPS team, along with South Dakota State University researchers Reinaldo Tonkoski, Timothy Hansen and Hossein Moradi, were visiting collaborators at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez for a CDPS project meeting funded by the . 

The project’s primary goal is to develop and validate models to assess the dynamic response of converter-dominated power systems across multiple spatiotemporal scales. This project brings together ACEP, South Dakota State University, the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. 

The annual team meeting is an opportunity to share the latest research findings and develop expanded collaboration and human and technical capacity-building between the research teams. Last year, the team met in Fairbanks. The 2022 meeting included presentations from ACEP’s Phylicia Cicilio on decarbonizing the Alaska Railbelt grid, Mariko Shirazi on upgrading energy monitoring infrastructure in Kotzebue and Chinmay Shah on developing a high-fidelity diesel generator model for microgrid studies.  

In addition, UPRM students gave presentations on microgrid management systems, model development for converter-dominated power systems and control algorithms for grid-forming and grid-following inverters.

For more information on this meeting, please contact Dayne Broderson at


The Converter Dominated Power Systems team in Puerto Rico. Photo courtesy of Dayne Broderson.