2022 ARENA Cohort Reconvenes in Iceland

2022 ARENA Cohort Reconvenes in Iceland

The 11 members of the 2022 Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy will reconvene next week in Iceland - the geothermal capital of the world - for the second of three program on-sites. The cohort first met in Fairbanks and Kotzebue in July this year and will gather a third and final time in the Yukon Territory in late January 2023. 
The Iceland program agenda includes both technical and historical overviews of the country’s geothermal resources and infrastructure as well as related energy policy and regulatory structures. Field trips include tours of the Haustak geothermal-powered fish drying factory, commercial geothermal-powered greenhouses and, of course, geothermal swims in Laugardalur and the famous Blue Lagoon.
Due to the country’s outstanding natural geothermal resource, the Iceland program offers unique insights into industrial uses of waste heat as well as how national energy policy can drive innovation. Learn more at . 


The Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy 2022 cohort visited Kotzebue in July,2022. In October, 2022 they will convene in Reykjavik, Iceland. Photo by Amanda Byrd.