Apply Now for Energy Technical Assistance for Remote, Island and Islanded Communities

Apply Now for Energy Technical Assistance for Remote, Island and Islanded Communities

The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory announced Jan. 11 that the is accepting applications from remote, island and islanded communities for technical assistance to revamp their energy systems and boost energy resilience. ETIPPā€™s collective, community-driven approach will help ensure remote, island and islanded communities have the skills and tools necessary to accelerate their energy resilience planning in the face of extreme weather events and changing economic conditions.


Communities are encouraged to review the and contact Alaska regional partners at the Renewable Energy Alaska Project or the University of Alaska with questions about eligibility and the application process. DOE expects to offer eight-12 technical assistance awards. Applicants are encouraged to consider community-driven project proposals using energy technologies that can provide resilience and other community benefits, including energy efficiency, hydropower, microgrids, solar, wind, geothermal, storage, tidal or wave energy, and grid infrastructure needed to support electric transportation, among other industries. Applications are due by April 15, 2022.


ā€œThe assistance provided through ETIPP is crucial in supporting the clean energy transition for remote, island and islanded communities, which are especially vulnerable to high energy costs and the most severe effects of climate change,ā€ said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Kelly Speakes-Backman. ā€œETIPP is designed to work alongside these communities to help address energy challenges by sharing DOEā€™s technical expertise with regional partners that understand and address local priorities, concerns and values.ā€


For updates on the ETIPP application, please follow and like the Alaska Rural Energy Partnershipā€™s Facebook page .


If you have questions or are considering an application, please contact Patty Eagan at pmeagan@alaska.eduor Rob Jordan at