Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships, Jobs and Career Fairs

Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships, Jobs and Career Fairs

  • White House fellowship: seeking under-represented groups (targeting scientists & engineers) â€“ This fellowship offers a chance to serve at the highest levels in the US federal government. The program attracts emerging leaders from all fields, but over the years relatively few engineers and scientists have participated. The President’s Commission on White House Fellowships is seeking applications from qualified candidates from such under-represented groups. If you are interested, check out the extensive .  Contact: Dr. Rob Leland (, alumni of the Frontiers of Engineering program as well as a former White House Fellow. Dr. Leland is leading the national recruiting effort for scientists and engineers on behalf of the fellowship. Closes early to mid-January 2022.
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory is looking for summer student interns for two projects (also welcome recent graduates, postbac, post-masters, or postdoc levels) with flexible starting date. They will be working with Adam Mate, Art Barnes, and Jose Tabarez who are also principal performers on those projects. (  Ideal candidates have some combination of experience in transmission and distribution system modeling, transmission and distribution system state estimation, power systems dynamics, system identification, statistical machine learning, power electronics. If you are interested, please connect with them over email and they will setup a short conversation to get to know them and talk about the projects. 
  • The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office is seeking qualified candidates for the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education . This is a paid opportunity to learn about the federal government and its role in advancing renewable energy. Fellows will help guide strategy, design funding programs and manage SETO-funded projects across the office’s five areas of research: photovoltaics, concentrating solar-thermal power, systems integration, soft costs, and manufacturing and competitiveness. The office has also opened the fellowship to include applicants interested in supporting its communications team. Applicants should have a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree in a subject with a quantitative background. Established professionals with relevant post-degree experience are welcome to apply.  Please email any questions to, and  by Jan. 15, 2022.


ACEP's Solar Test Site on the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× campus. Photo by Dayne Broderson.