New Research Paper Explores Grid Resiliency and Natural Disaster

New Research Paper Explores Grid Resiliency and Natural Disaster

A new research paper, co-authored by ACEP Ph.D. student Chinmay Shah, looks at the sustainable long-term recovery of Puerto Rico's electric power grid after hurricanes Maria and Irma.

The paper, titled ā€œ,ā€ explored how to build capacity in order to manage future potential natural disasters in the most secure and resilient ways.

Shah contributed to the report during a 2019 summer internship with the National Renewable Energy Lab by creating a clustering analysis of the Puerto Rico power grid to analyze the properties of the feeder power grid affected by Maria and Irma. He also worked on hosting capacity analysis of the affected feeder for distributed energy resource integration.


Chinmay Shah attends an early 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers conference in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Chinmay Shah.