Arctic Thermal Energy System Experts Discuss Major Threats and Hazards

Arctic Thermal Energy System Experts Discuss Major Threats and Hazards

ACEP, the and partnered with the 's and to host a forum titled ā€œThermal Energy Systems Resilience in Cold/Arctic Climates.ā€

The forum provided an opportunity for over 60 national and international participants with backgrounds in cold-climate building construction and energy-efficiency measures to exchange knowledge and best practices. Major threats and hazards specific to the resilience of thermal energy systems serving mission-critical facilities in the Arctic were discussed as part of the forum.

Forum topics included building envelope designs, heating and ventilation, air-conditioning system designs, vapor barriers, air- and ground-source heat pumps, energy generation, energy storage, and energy delivery strategies.

This effort was part of ACEP's U.S. Army ERDC project, ā€œSecure and Resilient Power Generation in Cold Region Environments.ā€ Working in collaboration with CRREL and CERL staff, researchers from ĪŽĀėĀŅĀ× and partners at CCHRC are supporting an assessment of new energy power options and thermal energy resilience at Fort Wainwright, Fort Greely and the .


Chena Hot Springs Resort owner Bernie Karl leads a tour while explaining the importance of food independence and renewable energy systems during the Thermal Energy Systems Resilience in Cold/Arctic Climates forum. Photo by Dayne Broderson.