ARENA Application Deadline Extended to March 1, 2020

ARENA Application Deadline Extended to March 1, 2020

The is designed for remote or rural project managers. It seeks to provide participants with the necessary knowledge base, skills and collaboration networks to develop clean energy projects in their own communities or regions. The goal is to help them achieve projects that balance economic viability, energy security, and environmental and public health concerns in the circumpolar Arctic region.

The first of three on-site visits will kick off May 24 at the in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Participants will then travel to visit community-scale energy projects in Rankin Inlet and Iqaluit. The Canadian course curriculum will emphasize community and Indigenous energy development, ownership and management, capacity building, and the roles of governments and utilities in building success.

ARENA combines visits to communities and participant knowledge exchanges with presentations and laboratory demonstrations. It connects current and emerging energy professionals with hands-on learning experiences, mentors and project development leaders from throughout the circumpolar North.

Interested? The deadline to apply has been extended to March 1, so !


2017 ARENA participants board a flight to the remote community of Colville Lake in Canada’s Northwest Territory. Photo by Amanda Byrd.