Fairbanks is Solarizing

Fairbanks is Solarizing

kicked off its campaign in fall 2019 to make it easier and more affordable to ā€œgo solarā€ in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

The team is excited to share that ā€œweā€™re doing it!ā€

Through a competitive process, homeowners and businesses in the four solarizing areas are signing up for solar photovoltaic systems that are now more than 25% cheaper than in 2019.

Solarize Fairbanks has wrapped up its community webinars, but Fairbanks North Star Borough residents can still take part! Supporting Solarize Fairbanks, by joining this campaign or sharing the information, is an investment in our community, in our local businesses and in a cleaner, sustainable energy future for the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

Hereā€™s what you can do!
ā€¢ Contact organizers with questions or share your interest! Email solarizefairbanks@gmail.com.
ā€¢ Check out the with detail on the solarizing areas and information on how to sign up for a solar assessment.
ā€¢ Learn more about the campaign by listening to community webinars, available on the website.


Solar being installed on a rooftop in Anchorage. Photo by Chris Pike.