Register Now for ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×-Bristol Bay Campus Online Fall Energy Classes

Register Now for ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×-Bristol Bay Campus Online Fall Energy Classes

The following classes are available online through ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× Bristol Bay Campus.

  • Introduction to Sustainable Energy, ENVI F220, 3 credits, 11 weeks, Sep. 29-Dec. 12, Tues/Thurs 5:30-7:30p
  • Home Energy Basics, ENVI 120, 1 credit, 5 weeks, Aug. 26-Sep. 23, Wed. 5:20-8:00p
  • Basics - Heat Pump Systems, ENVI F150, 1 credit, 5 weeks, Sep. 30-Oct. 28, Wed. 5:20-8:00p
  • Basics - Solar Energy Systems, ENVI F150, 1 credit, 5 weeks, Nov. 4-Dec. 9, Wed. 5:20-8:00p
  • Current Topics: Climate Change in Alaska, ENVI F250, 3 credits, 15 weeks, Aug. 24-Dec. 12, Mon./Wed., 5:10-6:40p

For course descriptions or any other information, please contact Mark Masteller, assistant professor of sustainable energy, or 907-414-0198