Teslin Biomass Boiler Live Virtual Tour

Teslin Biomass Boiler Live Virtual Tour

Southeast Conference, Yukon Government, and the Alaska-Yukon Wood Energy Conference presents the second virtual biomass energy facility tour on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 11 a.m. (Alaska time).

This tour will showcase the Teslin biomass facility in Canada’s Yukon. The live tour will also include a question and answer session to learn more about the boiler, the facility, wood, and any other burning questions.

This is the second virtual biomass tour of the series. . View transcripts of the Hydaurg tour and the question and answer session .

. This free tour will be held on Zoom. 

This event is made possible with thanks to Southeast Conference, Yukon Government, Alaska Energy Authority, US Forest Service, and, Teslin Tlingit Council.

For more information on the Teslin virtual tour, please contact Karen Petersen at biomass@seconference.org or Ryan Hennessey at Ryan.Hennessey@gov.yk.ca.