Congratulations to our Graduating Students

Congratulations to our Graduating Students

ACEP congratulates our graduating student interns. We’re so excited for their success and appreciative of their hard work providing great input to projects at ACEP.

Justus Karenzi graduates this summer with a master’s degree in electrical engineering. Working under Rich Wies and with the MicroFEWs team, and using Matlab and Simulink modeling tools, Karenzi simulated how intermittent renewable energy sources impact community-level food and water infrastructure systems in a remote Arctic microgrid. His results indicate that the impacts of renewable energy on FEW infrastructure systems are highly seasonal, primarily because of the variability of renewable resources. The outcome of this work helps in gaining firsthand insights into FEW system dynamics in a remote islanded microgrid setting.

Tristan Van Cise graduated this spring with a master’s degree in computer science. His thesis project involved developing a plug and play building thermal decay collection system for the project Secure and Resilient Power Generation in Cold Region Environments. Working in collaboration with Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory and Construction Engineering Research Laboratory staff, researchers with the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× and partners at Cold Climate Housing Research Center are supporting an assessment of new energy power options and thermal energy resilience studies at Ft Greely,  Ft Wainwright, and the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel.

We’re excited to see where the future takes these bright engineers.


ACEP student interns Justus Karenzi (left) and Tristan Van Cise (right) graduate this year. Photos by Amanda Byrd.