ACEP and PEMC Hydrokinetics Showcased in D.C.

ACEP and PEMC Hydrokinetics Showcased in D.C.

ACEP’s Jeremy Kasper was in Washington, D.C., this past week to attend the. The conference was part of Waterpower Week in Washington.

Kasper, a ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× co-director, presented two posters at the conference. A poster about PMEC's work at the Tanana River Test Site in 2016 was titled "River Energy Converter Powered Sonar Observation System." The second poster was about the ACEP Power Systems Integration Laboratory's work with Oceana Energy's turbine, titled "Oceana Turbine-Generator Grid Integration Project."


The Oceana turbine nears deployment at the Tanana River Test site in a 2015 photo. Photo by Todd Paris/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.