Leadership Program Brings Canadian First Nations Leaders to Alaska

Leadership Program Brings Canadian First Nations Leaders to Alaska

ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× and ACEP hosted nine northern Indigenous leaders and northern Canadian professionals for meetings and site visits in Fairbanks, Anchorage and Kotzebue, as part of the U.S. State Department’s prestigious.

At each location, the IVLP participants met with professionals and policymakers involved in the integration of renewable energy technologies that are environmentally and culturally appropriate for the unique climate, terrain and communities of the Arctic. Workforce development (across the full range of K-12, college and vocational learning environments) and community engagement considerations figured significantly in the dialogues.

Throughout the visit, emphasis was placed expanding each individual’s peer network in order to facilitate future interactions and possible cross-border collaborations. The IVLP participants are looking to learn from Alaska’s renewable energy expertise, and especially the lessons learned, to help in integrating renewable energy into Canada’s northern microgrids.

ACEP’s Carolyn Loeffler worked extensively on coordinating the program agenda and logistics. Amanda Byrd and George Roe traveled with the Canadians to Anchorage and Kotzebue. For additional information about the IVLP visit, please contact George Roe.


The IVLP participants toured many renewable energy sites in Fairbanks and Koztebue. Photo by Amanda Byrd.