Net Zero Home Construction Workshop Oct. 2

Net Zero Home Construction Workshop Oct. 2

Join energy efficiency enthusiasts and professionals for a full-day workshop on Oct. 2nd to learn how net-zero energy consumption can be achieved in urban and rural home construction by applying affordable technology that functions in the extreme and changing climates of Alaska.
The event will be held at the and will include presenters from the CCHRC, ACEP, ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× & Bristol Bay Campus, , , and . The presenters will share information regarding efficient housing construction, solar PV, energy storage, and both ground & air source heat pump technology.
This free event, co-sponsored by and Tanana Chiefs Conference with support from the , will be held from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at CCHRC. For more information contact Dave Messier at


Image courtesy of Tanana Chiefs Conference.