Alaska Wood Energy Leaders Inspire National Leaders

Alaska Wood Energy Leaders Inspire National Leaders

Last week, the Alaska-Yukon Wood Energy Conference attracted over 100 participants from Fairbanks, Anchorage, rural Alaska, Canada and the Lower 48.

Over 33% of the participants were from rural communities around Alaska, and 22% from Canada. The Canadian contingent is learning from Alaska’s experience, feeling that our knowledge and troubleshooting of biomass system design and operation is 10 years ahead of Canada.

“The role of a keynote address is to inspire, however, I have come away from this conference far more inspired by what Alaska is doing,â€
said keynote speaker Adam Sherman of Vermont’s Biomass Energy Resource Center.

The conference included presentations on current Alaska and Canadian biomass projects, featuring a show-stopping presentation on the wood harvesting and sales program in Napiamute by Mark Leary.

All presentations will be available on the soon.


Keynote Speaker Adam Sherman addresses the Alaska-Yukon Wood Energy Conference. Photo by Amanda Byrd.