Microgrid Boot Camp - a Learning-by-Doing Experience

Microgrid Boot Camp - a Learning-by-Doing Experience

ACEP researchers Dayne Broderson and Heike Merkel participated in a Microgrid Boot Camp offered by Arizona State University’s Laboratory for Energy and Power Solutions.

The boot camp is one element of a wide range of microgrid training resources developed at LEAPS, under the leadership of Nathan Johnson, to address the learning needs of groups ranging from K-12 students to utility executives. It is designed to “couple simulation-based design with hands-on integration for an all-inclusive approach to on-grid and off-grid power systems education.â€

The camp includes five technical areas — design, installation, testing, operation and maintenance. It combines training in principles and best practices, simulation-based design, and hands-on training in hardware integration and testing. Broderson and Merkel’s experience in Phoenix is providing valuable insight regarding possible future collaborations for the development of the energy systems workforce. Stay tuned!


ACEP’s Heike Merkel works with a team on solar and battery integration and testing using a mobile training toolkit. Photo by James Nelson, ASU Graduate Research Assistant.