Online Sustainable Energy Classes

Online Sustainable Energy Classes

Two online classes offered by the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× Bristol Bay Campus will give students a look at home energy basics and an introduction to sustainable energy.

The Home Energy Basics class (ENVI F120) covers basic building science, healthy indoor air quality, home retrofits, lighting and appliances, and home renewable energy. This class will be held on Wednesdays from Oct. 2-30, 2019.

The Introduction to Sustainable Energy class (ENVI F220) covers the importance of energy; current electricity use, costs, and impacts; residential energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions; and strategies to transition to clean energy in your home and community.

Tuition assistance may be available. For more information, contact Mark Masteller at or 907-414-0198.


Solar thermal heating on a residential garage.  Photo by Amanda Byrd.