Shirazi Presented at DOE Office of Electricity Meeting

Shirazi Presented at DOE Office of Electricity Meeting

ACEP’s Mariko Shirazi traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to attend and present a poster at the.

This event is an annual programmatic review of projects funded by the DOE OE Energy Storage Program. Presentations on OE-funded projects were made by researchers from Sandia National Laboratories; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; universities, including Ohio State University, City University of New York, Southern Methodist University, and University of Tennessee, Knoxville; small businesses; and utilities, including Cordova Electric Cooperative and Eugene Water and Electric Board. Many more universities, including the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×, and other entities had poster presentations.

Shirazi presented plans for a new OE-funded project to explore power electronics for medium voltage direct current interties between remote communities in Alaska. This planned project will identify state-of-the-art technology and trends in MVDC converter topologies and overall MVDC network conversion architectures with an eye toward identifying the most promising solutions for lower power applications in Alaska.


Photo courtesy of Mariko Shirazi.