Alaska National Lab Day — Coming Soon to Fairbanks!

Alaska National Lab Day — Coming Soon to Fairbanks!

ACEP is working actively with colleagues across the University of Alaska and U.S. Department of Energy to develop the Alaska National Lab Day hosted by the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, May 29-31.

The event focuses on expanding and accelerating collaboration between UA and the Department of Energy. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, senior DOE officials and UA leaders, directors from 12 of the 17 DOE national labs, UA researchers from all disciplines, elected officials, and representatives from Alaska industry and utilities will participate.
The program includes open house and information exhibition venues, a wide variety of plenary and focus-area panels, networking opportunities, and opportunities for tours of both local and remote locations. Agenda highlights, speaker biographies, travel information and registration links are available at .

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaks during the recent Arctic Encounter Symposium in Seattle, where she highlighted the upcoming Alaska National Lab Day.
Photo by Daniel Volland, courtesy Kallander & Associates LLC