ACEP Explores Microgid Research Collaboration with HNEI

ACEP Explores Microgid Research Collaboration with HNEI

ACEP Director Gwen Holdmann and President’s Professor Mari Shirazi travelled to Hawaii to meet with and researchers and program managers to discuss current research focus areas and challenges, as well as synergies and opportunities for collaboration.

The group, plus leaders from the , also traveled to Molokai for discussions with .

The visit included a tour of the Altairnano 2 MW/375 kWh Li-ion battery energy storage system. The particular BESS chemistry (Li-ion titanate) supports high charge and discharge rates and long cycle lifetime. HNEI researchers have optimized the BESS control algorithms for integration with the Molokai diesel power plant.

ACEP, HNEI, and HEE leaders visit the HNEI BESS in Molokai. Photo courtesy of Gregg Kresge/Maui Electric Company