Make it Happen: Retrofit and Renewable Energy

Make it Happen: Retrofit and Renewable Energy

If you have every wondered if solar panels could work for you or if you could cut energy costs with efficiency retrofits, stop by Cold Climate Housing Research Center on Saturday, May 19, for a free event.

Make it Happen: Retrofit and Renewable Energy is a free day of presentations and workshops by Fairbanks residents who have conducted energy-efficient retrofits and installed solar panels on homes and businesses.

Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor Karl Kassel will be one of the presenters, followed by two workshops — Energy Efficiency & Retrofit Financing, and Solar Basics & Financing 101.
It all will start at 9 a.m. Find out more at .

Make it Happen is sponsored and supported by , , , , , and .

Visitors view solar thermal systems at the Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks. Photo by Amanda Byrd/ACEP.