Alaska National Lab Day — Coming Soon to Fairbanks!

Alaska National Lab Day — Coming Soon to Fairbanks!

On May 30-31, ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× will host the Alaska National Lab Day in Fairbanks. The series of plenary and concurrent panels will focus on strengthening and extending collaboration in the pursuit of research interests shared by the University of Alaska and U.S. Department of Energy.

In the afternoon of May 29, open houses on West Ridge and in the Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility will provide opportunities for visitors to gain more in-depth understanding of research in Alaska.

Details about the local and regional tours, speakers, agenda and registration are available online. ACEP is working with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× University Relations to coordinate and implement the meeting. 

Register and find more about Alaska National Lab Day .

The new Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility, the gray building in the foreground, fills out the southeast corner of the Fairbanks campus. Photo by Todd Paris/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.