ACEP Intern Assists FNSB Energy Management Engineer

ACEP Intern Assists FNSB Energy Management Engineer

ACEP and the (FNSB) continue their partnership with the assignment of an ACEP intern to assist with data collection and analysis tasks. 

 Riley Troyer, 5th year Physics undergraduate student at ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×, began working with Energy Management Engineer Ben Loeffler in October 2017 and will continue through the spring 2018 Semester.  Troyer has automated large parts of the Borough’s utility billing data entry, saving hundreds of labor hours a year. 

 Troyer is implementing improved facility energy benchmarking practices that provide quarterly analysis of energy usage at a facility level.  Troyer is also developing code to analyze system level data from FNSB direct digital control (DDC) systems that operate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system on large facilities.  This analysis will allow FNSB to attribute costs and evaluate efficiencies at the pump, fan, and heat source level in each facility.

Photo courtesy of Riley Troyer.