ACEP Director Receives Award to Explore Potential for Science Policy Fellowship

ACEP Director Receives Award to Explore Potential for Science Policy Fellowship

ACEP Director, Gwen Holdmann, was one of nine recipients of a California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) award. This award allows the recipient, through working with state policy makers, to design a Policy Fellowship to train scientists and engineers in the craft of policy making.

The award encourages other states to replicate or adapt the already successful CCST Science & Technology Policy fellowship which has trained nearly 80 scientists in California since 2009. The other states receiving the award include: Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Washington.

Holdmann says of the fellowship, “Science and policy — in an ideal world — are joined at the hip. It’s difficult to enact sound policy without understanding the underlying science, and the creation of new knowledge blossoms under a supportive policy regime.â€

Find out more about the award at:

 Photo by Todd Paris/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×