Energy Technology Facility Hosts Dignitaries

Energy Technology Facility Hosts Dignitaries

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette along with other government leaders visited the Energy Technology Facility and Power Systems Integration Laboratory on Monday, August 21st on the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× campus.

Chancellor Dan White, Vice Chancellor for Research Larry Hinzman, Miles Baker Associate Vice President of Government Relations and ACEP researchers sat down with the government officials to share ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× 's experience and capabilities with energy-related research and existing DOE collaborations. Speakers illustrated ACEP's unique capabilities, including specific expertise in microgrid-enabling technology and highlighted short-term opportunities for increased collaboration between DOE and ACEP. Discussions for continuing the long-term research partnerships took place with hopes to inform and resolve unique national energy challenges.