Ocean Floor at Yakutat’s Cannon Beach Surveyed

Ocean Floor at Yakutat’s Cannon Beach Surveyed

Research Engineers Nick Konefal and Paul Duvoy recently returned from Yakutat after completing a 7-day bathymetry survey.

A 15 km x 5 km region off of Cannon Beach was surveyed using a Reson 7125 multibeam sonar to map out the ocean floor and look for debris.

The collected data will be used to identify areas where wave energy devices could be installed as Yakutat has a large wave energy resource.

The work is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy funded Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays for Marine Energy project (AKA the "ALFA" project).

Learn more about AHERC’s research in Yakutat .

Photo: Reson 7125 multibeam sonar was deployed to map the ocean floor off Yakutat’s Cannon Beach. Photo by N. Konefal/ACEP.