Interior Wood Burning Symposium in Fairbanks June 11th

Interior Wood Burning Symposium in Fairbanks June 11th

A free wood burning symposium will be held on Sunday June 11th, 2017 at Cold Climate Housing Research Center.

The symposium features presentations on burning wood for heat, electricity generation, and creating biochar. Additional topics including emissions and particulates from biomass burning, heating greenhouses, optimal wood handling, and more will be held from 11 am through 6 pm. Sessions will be led by a variety of instructors from Cooperative Extension Service and ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.

The presentation schedule begins at 11 am with Options for Residential Wood Boilers 101. The symposium is presented by Cooperative Extension Service of ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×. For more information contact Art Nash at 907-474-6366 or

Interior Wood Burning Symposium Flier by Cooperative Extension Services.