ACEP Program Director Leads Special Session at OCEANS 17, NHA Meeting

ACEP Program Director Leads Special Session at OCEANS 17, NHA Meeting

ACEP Program Director Jeremy Kasper is co-leading a during the hosted by the and the titled Marine Energy:Technology to better understand fish interactions with ocean (and river) energy devices.

 Kasper’s session will feature presentations on how energy devices can coexist with fish and are critical to building a sustainable ocean energy sector.

 Kasper is also chairing a technical session on Marine Energy titled AK3.3 Energy from the oceans, coasts and rivers 3 - Wave Energy at the Anchorage MTS/IEEE Oceans Meeting.

OCEANS 17 will be held Sept. 18-21 at the Dena’ina Convention Center in Anchorage and is meant to be an open forum for discussion by industry, researchers and stakeholders.

 Between Oceans' sessions, Kasper will also be participating in a panel on Hydro Innovation at the in Girdwood on Tuesday, Sept. 19.

 This panel will highlight recent and ongoing R&D initiatives across both industry and the Federal government that can help lower the cost of new development, improve plant life and generation at existing facilities, and reduce the cost of environmental compliance.

Other panelists include Alejandro Moreno, Director of the Water Power Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy, Herbie Johnson, NHA President, Southern Company and David Duquette, Littoral Power Systems.

Photo by Todd Paris/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.