Week of the Arctic: Lessons from Iceland Presentation Drew Crowds

Week of the Arctic: Lessons from Iceland Presentation Drew Crowds

When Halla Hrund Logadottir asked the Fairbanks audience how many of them had visited Iceland, she was amazed when around half of the more than 100 attendees threw their hands up enthusiastically.

Logadottir, a Louis Bacon Environmental Leadership Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School and former Director of Iceland’s School of Energy at Reykjavik University, spoke during a presentation titled Lessons from Iceland: Energy Transition during the Week of the Arctic events in Fairbanks last week.

The presentation covered the movement of Iceland’s energy economy from imported coal to locally sourced geothermal resources.

Logadottir presented on Wednesday to a standing room only crowd in Fairbanks during the Arctic Interchange events. During the North By North events in Anchorage on Thursday, Logadottir again presented to and audience of 36.

The Week of the Arctic celebrated the conclusion of the U.S. Chairmanship of the Arctic, and welcoming the new Chair, Finland.

The Lessons from Iceland presentation can be viewed .

Photo by A. Byrd/ACEP