Launch Alaska Hosts Renewable Energy Hack-a-Thon

Launch Alaska Hosts Renewable Energy Hack-a-Thon

Launch Alaska is calling all hackers to help find new opportunities for innovation solutions and possible new efficiencies related to Alaska’s renewable energy sector.

 The event is organinized by Launch Alaska in collaboration with ACEP, the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP), National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), and Code for Anchorage

 Elidgible participants include anyone interested in innovation, and it is open to students in the computer science, engineering, environmental science, and related fields.

 The Hack-a-thon is free to attend, and participants are requested to register , and attend the Pre Hack-a-thon Mixer to form teams.

 Find out more about Launch Alaska, and the Hack-a-thon on their .