Updated Gateway Database Encourages Alaska Energy Investment

Updated Gateway Database Encourages Alaska Energy Investment

Users of the Alaska Energy Data Gateway will notice some exciting changes when they visit the . 

 A redesign of the online database through a partnership between ACEP, University of Alaska Anchorage Institute of Social and Economic Research, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has made the tool easier to navigate and includes a new .  

 The database has been expanded to include new information about fuel surveys, energy prices, municipal tax records, vocational training, state community aid and the local workforce. The data was collected from a variety of state agencies and the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× Cooperative Extension Service.

 This project is part of the Alaska Microgrid Partnership — a consortium of local and national stakeholders created to help Alaska’s remote communities use less imported fuel and make their energy systems more reliable, cost-effective and resilient. This upgrade to the Alaska Energy Data Gateway was made possible by funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Modernization Initiative.

 For more information on the Alaska Energy Gateway, contact Erin Whitney, 907-799-6724, erin.whitney@alaska.edu.

Photo: Screenshot of the new Alaska Energy Data Gateway website.