ACEP and OIPC Sponsor First I2 Event

ACEP and OIPC Sponsor First I2 Event

A diverse crowd of about 50 ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× staff, faculty and students attended the first Innovation Initiative event sponsored by ACEP and the on Dec. 6 in the BP Design Theater.

OIPC Peter Webley and Rajive Ganguli created I2 as a venue to foster innovation and entrepreneurialism at ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.

 The first I2 event featured guest speaker Ky Holland, a serial entrepreneur and investor, board member of the Launch Alaska business accelerator, and the newest member of ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×'s Intellectual Property Advisory Committee.

 I2 will be a monthly event. For more information, please contact OIPC ambassadors Peter Webley and Rajive Ganguli

Photo: OIPC Ambassador Rajive Ganguli leads a discussion at the first I2 event in the BP Design Theater.  Photo by Amanda Byrd/ACEP.