Energy Technology Facility Update

Energy Technology Facility Update

Preparation work has begun in the diesel bay of ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility to test Oceana Energy LLC’s hydrokinetic turbine design. In previous years ACEP researchers worked with Oceana on verifying and testing mechanical capabilities of the turbine at the Tanana River Test Site. The current work is focused on grid integration for which the ACEP PSI team has developed grid interface and control specifications and designs which will now be implemented and put to the test in the laboratory.

In order to operate the electric generator in controlled conditions it will not be driven by flowing water but by a motor-gearbox assembly. Currently the mechanical assembly of the turbine testing platform is underway with installation and alignment of the electric generator and motor-gearbox drive in the testing tank taking place. Next researchers will be moving forward with the electrical assembly of the testing platform with testing estimated to take place later this fall to early winter.

Installation and alignment of the electric generator and motor-gearbox drive in the testing tank pictured.  Photo credit D. Light, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.