Farewell to Deputy Director

This week ACEP is saying goodbye to our dedicated Deputy Director, Brent Sheets.
Brent began his tenure at ACEP in July 2011, taking on the responsibility of Research Manager during a critical period in the organization's development. Brent's role with ACEP expanded when he was promoted to Deputy Director in 2014. In this role Brent was responsible for overseeing the operations of ACEP's research facilities, including the negotiations of contracts and project oversight.
Before his time with ACEP, Brent was a Regional Manager at the US Department of Energy where he interacted with a wide variety of stakeholders in the oil industry, academia, as well as state and federal agencies about fossil energy research in the Arctic and the needs associated with it.
Brent brought nearly 14 years of invaluable petroleum research and experience to ACEP when he began his position.  He has been a steadfast member of our team and has always fully devoted himself to whatever project he was working on.  His work and effort has helped make our organization what it is today, and is truly appreciated and valued.  He has been a pleasure to work with and will be sorely missed. All of his colleagues and friends at ACEP wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors.
Photo: Brent Sheets. Credit T. Paris, ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.