PSI Program Director Presents at Rural and Islanded Communities Workshop

PSI Program Director Presents at Rural and Islanded Communities Workshop

Power Systems Integration Director, Marc Mueller-Stoffels will be in Washington DC this week to present at a workshop titled, ā€œElectricity Use in Rural and Islanded Communities: A Workshop Supporting the Quadrennial Energy Reviewā€™s Public Outreach.ā€  Heā€™ll be speaking in a session titled, ā€œGeneration alternatives for CO2 reductionā€ which will focus on reviewing technology alternatives to traditional power generation in distributed rural systems including renewables with grid storage. 

While in DC, Marc will also be meeting with the Deputy Chief of Mission Dr. Phillip Ackermann and the Head of Section for Science and Technology Dr. Robin Mishra of the German Embassy.

View the full agenda for the workshop.

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