2015 Arctic Energy Summit

2015 Arctic Energy Summit

We are looking forward to seeing colleagues from around the Arctic at the 2015 Arctic Energy Summit, September 28-30 in Fairbanks.  We expect a busy and productive conference with business, political, and community leaders coming together to share best practices, research and policy lessons for energy challenges and opportunities facing our Arctic communities.

Outcomes - Presentations and remarks will focus on the Summit themes of Security, Affordability and Resilience (a new "SAR" for the North!). Additionally, we are looking for outcomes that can be reported to the Sustainable Development Working Group of the Arctic Council. These will be grouped by 1) research questions or gaps in knowledge, 2) lessons learned or best practices, and 3) bilateral or multilateral project ideas.

Registration - Don't forget to . Invite a colleague - While our seats are filling up fast, we still have room for additional attendees. If you have a colleague or friend you would like to encourage to come, they can visit www.arcticenergysummit.com for more information.


Side events - There is an of Nome and Kotzebue - northern coastal communities - on the Friday and Saturday prior to the Summit. There will also be a and ACEP Energy Tour on October 1 if you have time during your stay for visits in and around Fairbanks. Don't forget to join us for the at the Blue Loon on Sunday!




Exhibitor - We do still have available, if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity and receive additional visibility.


Agenda - We are looking forward to a robust with many fantastic speakers.


Contact Stephanie Nowers with questions at sjnowers@mtaonline.net.

Logo credit Arctic Energy Summit.