Tanana River Test Site Update

Tanana River Test Site Update

May 21 to 29, 2015

Site preparation and Murdock Trust barge assembly took place at the TRTS.

  • River stage gauges were installed at the Tanana River Test Site on May 21st to record the change in the river level throughout the season.
  • The Murdock Trust barge pontoons and decking were delivered to test site by A1 Recovery.
  • Assembly of the barge took place and the research platform was launched into the Tanana River.

June 9 to 11, 2015

AHERC's new research and support boat was brought to the TRTS and further preparations were made for the testing season.

  • New research and support boat was brought to the TRTS.
  • Barge hydraulic unit and Video Debris Observation System (VDOS) were also brought to the TRTS.
  • The anchor chain was retrieved from the river.
  • The anchor chain buoy was launched allowing the Murdock Trust barge the ability to attach itself to it.

View the printed version of the update .

Photo: Intern Stephanie Jump prepares the anchor buoy for launch in the Tanana River. Photo credit N. Konefal, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.