ACEPers don the Energy Hog Hat

ACEPers don the Energy Hog Hat

Last week ACEP team members Amanda Byrd and Max Frey along with Kalee Meurlott from GreenStar presented at Denali Elementary and Barnette Magnet School as part of the Energy Hog program and to promote Fairbanks’ participation in the Georgetown University Energy Prize (GUEP) Competition.

This week Amanda, Max, and their assembly presentation partners will be presenting at University Park Elementary, Joy Elementary, and Pearl Creek Elementary.  The purpose of the visits is to teach children about the benefits of energy efficiency and to encourage them to help their community win $5 million by participating in the GUEP.

For more information on the Energy Hog program and the GUEP view our previous ATW piece.,-2015/energy-hog-school-assemblies.aspx

The Energy Hog presentation team say goodbye to students as they leave their assembly at Denali Elementary.  Photo credit A. Byrd, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.