Pilgrim Hot Springs Update

Pilgrim Hot Springs Update

Chris Pike traveled to Nome and Pilgrim Hot Springs along with geologist Dick Benoit.  They collected a final set of temperature logs in all the accessible wells drilled at Pilgrim Hot Springs since 1979.   The temperature logs were collected to monitor the geothermal system for subtle temperature changes over time.  During this visit, flow testing exercises were also conducted in several wells.  The most significant testing occurred in PS13-1, drilled last summer.  Over 300 gallons per minute of water were pumped from the well, about five times the natural artesian flow.  During this time the well was monitored for pressure and temperature changes.  Gwen Holdmann also traveled to Nome for part of the trip.  Gwen met with regional project partners to deliver a project update and discuss future development options.

Photo: Chris Pike conducting flow test.  Photo courtesy Dick Benoit, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.