An Hour with an Expert: Beyond Lithium-ion Batteries What's Next? U.S. DOE's Battery Research Program

An Hour with an Expert: Beyond Lithium-ion Batteries What's Next? U.S. DOE's Battery Research Program

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
12:00am to 1:00pm
Location: Duckering Building,
Room 531 (ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×)

Jeffrey P. Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Deputy Director of Development

Dr. Jeffrey P. Chamberlain will give an overview of battery and
energy storage research led by Argonne National Laboratory.
Jeff will show the importance of delivering R&D that is integrated
across a spectrum of technology readiness levels, from basic
discovery science all the way to early-stage prototyping. He will
use illustrative examples from both Argonne's lithium-ion
battery research program, as well as from the work beyond
lithium-ion, in the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research
(JCESR). JCESR is a collaborative project led by Argonne, with 14
members, spanning from MIT to Berkeley, through the University
of Michigan, Northwestern University, Sandia and Pacific
Northwest National Laboratories, among others.

Prior to starting his work at Argonne National Laboratory in 2006,
Jeff spent 13 years in industry, using his training in surface
chemistry to develop products for integrated circuit manufacturing, and for the mining and minerals processing industry.


Research to Enable Next-Gen Batteries.  2014.  Jeff Chamberlain, Deputy Director, JCESR, Argonne National Laboratory.