Passing the Paddle: A New Director Takes the Helm at AHERC

Passing the Paddle:  A New Director Takes the Helm at AHERC

On June 30th members of ACEP, INE, and other AHERC affiliated individuals gathered to celebrate the work of Jerome (Jerry) Johnson as Director of AHERC and to usher in the new Director, Jeremy Kasper.  Attendees were treated to a picnic dinner at the Chena River off of University Avenue and were able to recount their time working with Jerry.

As Jeremy steps in to fill the role Jerry is leaving behind, Jerry will be moving into an advisory role for AHERC while working a reduced schedule.

As part of the event a paddle was presented to Jerry, which was signed by the members of ACEP, in appreciation of his work.

ACEP would also like to thank Jerry and his wife Nancy for providing all the food at the picnic. It was all delicious and no one went home hungry. 

Photo: Jeremy Kasper presents Jerry with the paddle signed by ACEP members to commemorate his work for AHERC.  Photo courtesy M. Frey, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.