Wind Tunnel Display Moving to Duckering Building

Wind Tunnel Display Moving to Duckering Building

The ACEP wind tunnel display, formally housed at the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× Museum as part of the PowerPlay Exhibit, has been moved to the Duckering Building on campus from ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility.

The move was made to allow engineering students to use the display to educate students about wind energy during the upcoming annual E-Week open house hosted in the Duckering Building.

While on loan, the wind tunnel display will also be used as a platform to test a small scale, lightweight wind turbine design by mechanical engineering students taking part in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and DOE Collegiate Wind Competition.

Photo Caption:  The ACEP Wind Turbine display is loaded and secured at the ACEP ETF for transportation to the Duckering Building on the ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ× Campus. 

Photo courtesy of M. Frey, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.